ACCESS Tampere : VIMMART SOI! -bändikonsertti pe 21.4. KLO 18-20 Monari 13:lle


Tässä konsertissa on erityistä vimmaa! Vimmart -yhdenvertaisen taiteen oppilaitos järjestää pe 21.4.2023 klo 18-20 Vimmart soi! -konsertin Monitoimitalo 13 Stagella. Konsertti on maksuton ja osa ACCESS Tampere -festivaalia. Lauteilla kaikki Vimmartin oppilasbändit: Grilli, Hyytävä, Satumaa, Armottomat, Power Diamonds, Tornado ja Punkki. Tervetuloa Vimmalla mukaan tähän tunnelmantäyteiseen iltaan! Katsomotila on esteetön. Konsertin aikana on myös pienimuotoinen puffetti. (käteismaksu)

Paikka: Monitoimitalo 13, Stage -sali (Pellavatehtaankatu 4, Tampere)

 Ota meihin yhteyttä:

This concert has a special vibe! Vimmart -Inclusive Art School is organising a VIMMART SOUNDS! concert on Fri 21.4.2023 at 18-20 at the Monitoimitalo 13 Stage. The concert is free of charge and part of the ACCESS Tampere festival. All Vimmart’s student bands will be taking over the Stage: Grilli, Hyytävä, Satumaa, Armottomat, Power Diamonds, Tornado and Punkki. Welcome for this atmospheric evening!

The venue is accessible. There will also be a small buffet during the concert (cash payment).

What is Vimmart?
Vimmart Inclusive Art School is based in Tampere, Finland, since 2006.
We are offering equal access to the arts for all. Our focus is on inclusion, equality and the joy of learning!
The Vimmart Music School Education Programme follows the national Curriculum policies and guidelines in Basic Education in Music placed by the Finnish National Agency for Education and the City of Tampere. We are also offering courses and training in various fields of art. Currently, in Vimmart there is already over 80 students.

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